Monday, May 11, 2009

Kim's Craft Blog--Fiction, Memoir, Creative Writing: On Mother's Day, Writing About Family Members

Kim's Craft Blog--Fiction, Memoir, Creative Writing: On Mother's Day, Writing About Family Members

1 comment:

  1. Ha,

    Great article from Lori Gottlieb. I have to admit, I probably will never write any family memoirs. As it is, every time a family member reads one of my stories, he/she is convinced I am talking about THEM or their DOG or THEIR house.

    I often wonder about the vanity of people who assume that everything is about them. lol. I mean, gimme a break. Do they actually think that they are the only people to ever own a old car, a peeing dog, or a money-pit house?

    Maybe it's just about the universal experience.

    Anyway, my mom is safe, but the rest of you out there are up for grabs.




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