Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Topics of Interest.

Just incase you don’t follow all the links on this blog, I want to share with the readers several articles that I came upon this morning, topics that I thought would be of interest to the beginning writer, and the not so beginning.

To begin with is Rachelle Gardner--Literary Agent and her article on,

"Why it's hard to Tell the Whole Truth."

You often wonder, why you don’t receive a comment back on your work and she explains in her article why she doesn’t always resond, Rachelle says, “The first and most important reason is because I could be wrong.” I couldn’t imagine an agent ever being wrong, but read her article, she’s straight forward and honest. She gives some wonderful advice and several interesting links.

Rejection Without a Reason
Frustrated With Your Rejections?

Another good topic I came upon titled, “The Three-Act Structure
by Kathleen Bolton” of Writer Unboxed she gives a in-depth explanation of plot, in a three act structure form. She list several links to outlines by Peder Hill on Structure and Plot, as well as Holly Lisle tips.

Three Act Structure

Learn the Elements of a Novel

Holly Lisle

Happy Writing!

1 comment:

  1. I visited all three sites. I even downloaded a free plot structure guide from Lisle to see what her ideas are. "Learn the Elements of a Novel" is a fantastic resource. I was surfing over there a couple days ago.
    Right now, I've printed out the "Three Act Structure" and put it in a folder with some other notes about that element.

    Good going, Joan. Your blog is always worth visiting.

    So far I've got a basic page up for a blog. Come and visit if you have time, I'm at www.ravenlaw.wordpress.com

    I hope it's okay. I've already put a link up to your blog. I mean, you've done all this work. You should get more readers who appreciate it. I think it's just a matter of exposure





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