Our quest, as writers/authors is to keep up with today’s market trend and read what agents and editors are saying about submissions, query letters, the tools of the trade.
Today I’ve come across several tidbits that need to be shared and for those reading this Blog, it behooves me to say if you’re not reading the articles and saving them to your file, and keeping up with the trend, then you’re walking backwards.
Nathan Bransford—Literary Agentblog was the first one I came upon in my morning quest to see what is being said daily, by these crafter’s of book finesse that virtually hold your precious novel in their hands. His article this fine morning “Can You Query If You Are an Unpublished Novelist and Your Novel Isn't Finished?” consisted of one word…at this point in time there was 89 comments, check it out … Nathan Bransford—Literary Agent
The next Blog, I ventured too was Jennifer Jackson’s Blog letters from the query wars, very interesting…
Article Links:
letters from the query wars--1
letters from the query wars--2
My next venture was to a Blog called:Redlines and Deadlines a group of Editors posting their comments titled… Submission No-Noes
Writing Advice
The jest is, to advance in your creative writing career, you need to keep up with what the powers that be have to say, and you can find them on the web, in a blog, on twitter and facebook.
Happy Writing!
Dulat Issabekov (1942-2025)
1 hour ago
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